I use Google docs for my own personal use as well as for work so feel very comfortable creating, editing and sharing files (and folders). I've always liked the look of Google docs and find it very user friendly, as with most Google services. We use Google Docs at work to share our diarys for the week, planning documents (such as events planning) and collating feedback from events. We also use it to comment on our annual action plan and what our aim are. It seems a much easier way to share documents by sending out a link rather than clogging up someones inbox with documents.
I've been thinking about future uses for Google Docs specifically with regards to my own CPD and think it would be a useful place to store my Personal and Professional Development Plan (PPDP). I would be able to access it from wherever as well as send a link to my line manger for comments/ideas. It's also a place where I could keep notes on any courses/events I attend as I tend to take a netbook with me I could keep reflective notes in Google docs which again I can access from wherever I am in the world. I have decided therefor to create a seperate folder in my Google Docs account called (imaginitivly!) CPD where I will keep notes from events and my PPDP. I already have a folder there for my MCLIP portfolio which when I've completed I will move into the CPD folder.
I've never used Dropbox before so I set about downloading it. It's very easy to use and have even manged to share a file with you via the public folder, see here. I think Dropbox could be very useful for my chartership portfolio in that I can send a link to files to my mentor rather than clogging up there inbox!
I'm quite comfortable with using Wikis and again use them both personally (Wikipedia) and for work. I had never used MediaWiki though and went to have a look. At first I tried to download it but couldn't get the files to open, but then in dawned on me, what do I want a Wiki for? I have no use for one at the moment but it could be useful when working on projects or planning events for the future. In particular I think it could be of use to those of us on the CDG Wales committee for our event planning for the year as we are so geographically spread out and often don't get a chance to meet face to face. However for now I have no need to start one...so haven't :-)
I think the MediaWiki files are compressed as "normal" linux files. Not all windows "unzippers" can handle that. But even after opening the files you need some requisites before you can install it on your home or work computer. PHP and a SQL database are necessary. I will write about on my CPD23 blog soon.
ReplyDeleteBetter try pbworks, it is all online and very easy
My blog is at radoveden.tumblr.com