Friday, 12 August 2011

Thing 7: Face-to-face networks and professional organisations

I regularly keep up to date with the goings on in professional organisations, mainly CILIP (Chartered Insitute of Library and Information Professionals) and I'm proud to be a member of one of the Special Interest Groups the Career Development Group Wales (CDG Wales).  I joined the committee back in 2008 as an Events Co-Ordinator and have enjoyed my role.

The role involves me advertising events across Wales which I use a variety of email lists for, taking bookings and answering any enquires.  I attend the commitee meetings when I can but that has proven difficult recently with a change in job.  However, I keep up to date with teh rest of the commitee through JISC Mail discussion lists and through Facebook.

I've learned a lot from being on this committee and it has certainly helped me both with my chartership and my work.  A lot of the issues and barriers regarding career development come up in CDG Wales meetings and the various steering groups I'm a member of for work.   I've learned about the different roles in a commitee, how they work and relate to other roles, improved my minute taking and met some really good friends along the way.

At first I continued my membership of CILIP (a monthly subscription) so that I could work towards chartership and continue working with CDG Wales, but now I feel that I have that extra level of support when it comes to professional and employment issues.  I was made redundant from my last post and knowing I could contact CILIP for help and advice was a great comfort to me.  I also enjoy receiving the publications and keeping up to date with the professional world.  In Wales we have an annual conference in May which I have attended for the past five years, and each year I have learned something new.  It also gives me an opportunity to network with other information professionals outside me sector.

I would sya being a member of CILIP and part of CDG Wales has affected my career as it shows my commitment to the profession as well as my own professional and personal development.

Through various social media I also keep up to date with other professional groups such as International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA).  Although I'm not as heavily involved (yet).

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