I blogged about how I got here in Thing 10 so won't bore you with it again here. I have had a look at soem of the other Library Routes on the Wiki and have to say it does look as if most of us didn't know we could do it as a career! Their is a good mix of how people ended up in library work but from several of the posts I've seen most have gone on to a postgraduate qualification in LIS whereas I'm going the other way doing an undergraduate course trying to decide which postgraduate course to do later...or as I think of it, when I properly grow up!
I still feel quite early on in my career but some tips I've picked up along the way:
- Get as much experience of a variety of sectors as you can
I always wanted to work in a public library but ended up in academic libraries, when I eventually did get to work in a public library branch I immediately noticed the difference and I realised I enjoyed academic librarianship a lot more. I have been very fortunate to get experience of a variety of sectors and recommend it to everyone. Working in a variety of sectors has helped me see the issues that they face but also pick up tips. If you can try job shadowing or even voluntary work for a day.
- Current (and currant) awareness
Keeping up to date with the profession is very important. Their are so many ways to do it online now, much of what was explored during the CPD 23 Things, but I have found a great way is to attend events and take part in CILIP Committees. Not only has this helped me keep up to date with the different sectors but I have learned a lot from people. This is where currant awareness is important, if like me you get a bit nervous introducing yourself turn up with some sort of cake or biscuit...I haven't met a librarian yet that doesn't appreciate it :-)
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