Thursday, 6 October 2011

Thing 17: The Medium is the Message- Prezi and Slideshare

I recently took part in a Prezi webinar (they take place every Thursday from what I recall) and did a blog post for work here. I quite like the Prezi style and recently came across an excellent example by a friend at Aberystwyth University here so can see how it would be useful in a library setting.  In my blog post I talk about the pro and cons of using one type of presentation software, not all organisations will have access to Prezi, but should it come to it I would really like to try Prezi instead of Powerpoint for a a change if nothing else. 

I also browse Slideshare and must admit had never opened an account until recently.  What did make me open an account was this presentation on putting together a business case for social media presence.

Having the account means I can now save my favourites and follow all those people I see at conferences and events.  Again, I don't do many (if any) presentations but should the time come I'll be sharing my work via Slideshare. 

I think it would work as something to expand upon my CV but not replace it entirely.  One of the great things about web 2.0 is the ease of sharing and they are great places to get the CV up there to share so it can be seen.  It would also work well being able to expand on aspects of it, e.g. if I do ever do any presentations I can link to them so they can be seen by prospective employers.

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