Monday, 27 June 2011

Thing 3: Consider your personal brand

I've been thinking about this a lot recently and had some very interesting discussions with colleagues.  Personally I prefer to keep my accounts separate so I have a personal ID and a professional one.  I tend to use libshari for professional networks/work...with the exception of this blog where I have used my full name as I feel that my own CPD relates to both my professional and personal life.

I was brave and decided to Google all versions of my online ID or professional brand, and have to admit I'm quite satisfied with the results.  To me anyway it looks as though I have managed to separate them quite well.

I never considered using the same branding (i.e. colours/design/etc) across networks and think it may be a useful way of separating out my online IDs even more.

Thing 2: Investigate some other blogs

Well already I've managed to fall behind but using today to catch up :-)

I've had a look around some of the other blogs, and even left a comment which I don't think I've ever done before.  Their are some serial bloggers out there and some just starting up (either for this or their own amusement), it's great to see a variety.  I've even subscribed to a few of them through RSS feeds.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Hello...and my first post!

Well hello world J  I decided to sign up for the CPD 23 Things as I have recently changed jobs.  Previously I worked for three years on a library project called Libraries for Life, as a Regional Development Officer and my first professional post.  I am now working as an E-learning advisor (Learning Resources) which I am greatly enjoying and get to do more on the IT side of things that I enjoy such as social media, digital literacy, information literacy etc.
I’m hoping from CPD 23 to learn how to be more reflective, and I’m looking forward to all of the ‘things’ as I’m much more of a ‘learn by doing’ kind of person.  I’m also looking forward to improving my blog posts; currently I write a blog for the RSC Wales – Learning Resources Blog and feel I could improve my writing style.